International Teacher Exchange

As part of the Waldorf 100 Centenary year we at the Rudolf-Steiner-School in Berlin are organising an international and multi-cultural teacher and co-worker exchange. 

How is the Waldorf curriculum and pedagogical approach applied in other cultures? How do teachers and educators in countries with predominantly different religions deal with the religious character of Waldorf education? What new ideas can refresh and inspire our everyday school life?

On the occasion of the anniversary year such an exchange of valuable experience can come about through numerous personal contacts giving each participant unique insight into other "Waldorf cultures". We are also convinced that the exchange will contribute to growing understanding and tolerance, strengthen the Waldorf vision while offering a chance to maintain a modern and vital characteristic in our educational efforts.

Just imagine the possibilities: Mrs X from Sekem recites verses from the Koran with a 10th class of the Dahlem School, while Mr Y from Berlin forges glowing iron with a class in Nairobi, or Mr Z from Honolulu rehearses hula dances with an 8th class, while Mrs Q from Berlin discusses aspects of nutritional science with students in São Paulo ... There is no limit to the possibilities and adventures on offer!

Through personal contacts and the experience of everyday life in schools around the world, new ideas can emerge and we may get inspiration for how diversely Waldorf education could develop in the course of the next 100 years!

An exchange is possible for numerous teachers and the exact timing will be organized to fit each individual case. The project is planned to run from 2019 to around 2022 with each exchange running for three to four weeks. Flight and accommodation can be financed by our school.

Interested colleagues are asked to send a written application to our school. An exchange school can also be proposed. All colleagues in the team are asked to support the organisation of necessary substitutions; possible substitution solutions are to be attached to the application.

All colleagues participating in the exchange are jointly responsible for the introduction and support of the arriving colleagues who ideally will have the possibility of private accommodation within the school community.

Colleagues from other schools and other countries can also apply, we will then bring exchange partners together.


With the warmest regards

For the parents of the Rudolf Steiner School: Dr. Leonie Kindermann and Dr. Elke Böckstiegel

For the college of teachers: Juliane Koberg-Wagner, Ingrid Eisenberger and Jeremy Deacon


For further information please contact:

A project from

Rudolf Steiner Schule Berlin-Dahlem

Berlin, Germany

2019-2022 for three to four weeks


Rudolf Steiner Schule Berlin-Dahlem

Elke Böckstiegel

Berlin, Germany


  1. Yael Eden Haim on 22.10.2019 at 11:31

    I’m an art teacher at a Waldorf school in Israel teaching middle school and high school students. I would like to participate in this protect.
    Thank you,

  2. Josée Labrosse on 07.09.2019 at 22:57

    Hello, we are 2 teachers in Ottawa, Canada! We are greatly interested in this project! We speak French and English (I also speak Italian and some Spanish...). We work in public French Waldorf inspired school. Where to start, where to start... we have so many questions! What a beautiful opportunity! We will start to inquire at our school to see if this would be accepted. Should we send our questions to Mrs. Elke Böckstiegel?

    Best regards! Josée and Barbara

  3. Jasmine ( on 22.08.2019 at 09:47

    Hello, I am the director of a Waldorf inspired early learning center in Dubai. I would love information on how to participate in this.
    Thank you

    1. Lisa Hellberg on 28.08.2019 at 12:33

      Dear Jasmine,

      Please contact the organizers of the project:

      For the parents of the Rudolf Steiner School: Dr. Leonie Kindermann and Dr. Elke Böckstiegel
      For the college of teachers: Juliane Koberg-Wagner, Ingrid Eisenberger and Jeremy Deacon


      Kind regards,

  4. Sonia Marx on 26.01.2019 at 21:57

    I would like to participated !! I am a music teacher in Sao Paulo - Brasil and I can speek german too... best regards! Sonia Marx

    1. Lisa Hellberg on 28.01.2019 at 11:07

      Dear Sonia,

      Thank you for your comment.
      Please contact Mrs. Elke Böckstiegel,

      Best regards,

      Lisa (Team Waldorf 100)

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Herewith I declare that I have read the following terms of use and agree with them in every aspect:

  1. The compositions on this website are for the exclusive use of student-orchestras from Waldorf/Steiner Schools or Waldorf teacher-training centres.
  2. The compositions can be performed free of any charges until 31st December 2019 by students-orchestras or free ensembles which are directly connected to a Waldorf/Steiner School.
  3. I am obliged to give notice to the Hamburg office of Waldorf 100 as well as the composer(s) about the time and location where the compositions will be performed. 
  4. Should the work be played after 31st December 2019, I will contact the composer beforehand.
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