Bees & Trees

Bees, these creatures of the sun, help many of our food crops to multiply, and at the same time show us the state of our souls: “The entire beehive is actually permeated with love life” observed Rudolf Steiner. Bees are an image of the spiritual power that lends dignity to freedom: for the power of love that wants to become effective.

But bees are dying all over the world. We want to step up and do something about it. We want to keep bees at all our Steiner/Waldorf facilities, and have pupils of all ages participate intensively in the health of bees, from the lower to the upper grades, from harvesting honey to pursuing complex research projects. The earth should once again become a place where bees can thrive.

Be part of it and take care of colonizing bees at your school or kindergarten. More about this project you can find in this Leporello Bees and Trees (PDF) or in our Booklet Bees and Trees (PDF) for downloading. The last one you can purchase in our onlineshop as well.

A project from

Waldorf 100

Hamburg, Germany



Waldorf 100

Henning Kullak-Ublick

Hamburg, Germany

+49 (0)40 34107699-0


  1. Cecilamor Ares ( on 31.03.2019 at 21:19

    In our school, The W School, the classes of grade 2 and 3 visited the East Beekeeper school in Fajardo and got a full class on bees and saw the exhibition colony they have. Parents and kids enjoyed the trip a lot! Thank you.

  2. Christian Gruetzmacher ( on 06.03.2019 at 09:02

    Inspired by this amazing project Melody Brink and Ianthe Lauwaert invited me to come teach about honey bees, hive design and alternative and educational beekeeping in Waldorf Schools. So far we visited Schools in Belgium but can also offer this in the UK or elsewhere. Due to a grant we can also offer UK Schools some funds toward bee-teaching related material including hive construction. Please visit the website for more info on my bee activities and get in touch by email if your School may be interested.
    buzz Christian

  3. Kristian ( on 22.02.2019 at 23:31

    We will be having our annual auction dinner fundraiser and plan to have a bee theme! With bee projects and awareness.

  4. Robin Mackenzie-Suggate on 20.11.2017 at 03:15

    We are planning to have bee keepers come to our next two College meetings (23rd and 30th Nov) to give us some background and practical ideas. We'd love to hear how others are doing in this area.
    From Robin at Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School

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  1. The compositions on this website are for the exclusive use of student-orchestras from Waldorf/Steiner Schools or Waldorf teacher-training centres.
  2. The compositions can be performed free of any charges until 31st December 2019 by students-orchestras or free ensembles which are directly connected to a Waldorf/Steiner School.
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