On September 20, 2019, the Dutch Waldorf Schools celebrated a large Waldorf 100 festival in De Fabrique, an industrial area in Utrecht. Some speeches were followed by lighting the Waldorf 100 candle and singing a song under the direction of Marcel van Os.
In the Ambachtenstraat, visitors found a multitude of handicrafts and new handicrafts outside the festival. From forging iron to hitting copper to weaving baskets. But also the beekeeper, the woodworker, the bread baker, the instrument maker and a ceramic 3D printer were represented .
The Waldorf100 clock was made under the direction of the art teacher Rik ten Cate. After the festival, the clock was cast in bronze to be used as a switch clock in all free schools in the Netherlands.
In the dialogue session "Waldorf Time Capsule", participants and speakers gave their ideas on the education of the future and the role of free schools. The quick poet David Mulder summarized the result in the Waldorf 100 poem.
Educational organizations and initiatives of the free school movement together formed the Waldorf 100 market, which consisted of dozens of stalls. The diverse market was the meeting point of the festival.
School works were exhibited on the square, form drawings and poems were made, some films were shown and festivalgoers were able to record a video message in the Waldorf 100 Babbelbox.
There were also workshops, lectures and discussions ... and there was the Waldorf 100 podcast!
Produced by Jan Jaap Hubeek from Meesterwerk in collaboration with Merel Boon from Mooite. Talks with speakers and visitors were recorded under the expert guidance of Annet Stegeman.
Many more pictures and information as well as the podcasts can be found on the festival website: vrijescholen.nl/waldorf100-tijdcapsule